Life’s fag end and when there is no one around to be feel the wrinkles

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When you know that you have no more time on Earth, that’s when you want to do everything and want to undo a lot of things. Sometimes, you feel you have lost it and you are losing a lot of things. You know either you are Sick or you are Old enough to do all these.

Yes! Old age calls for more love, more intimacy, and more care and a lot of concerns. But that’s when you also start rejecting love and abandoning yourself slowly, sometimes fastidiously and unconsciously. Is that right as a human to do? But Old ones can lose out on the wisest of advices. Old men and women more slow to thinking, slower to action and either they have more to talk or they are prone to silent; both are signs of grief, sadness and sometimes major depression.

“You never realize how lonely you are until it’s the end of the day and you have got a bunch of things to talk about and no one to talk to”


Apart from psychological and social role changes, physically it is weakening in this age. These changes challenge their sense of self and capacity to take care of them and live with a happy face. Friends are the only antidote to this loneliness. Some peers, friends and family or partners go away. Beginning a new relationship or getting married, that too in India, is out of question. New relationship can breed more resentment and you may not get the man or woman of the same age in the locality or in circle. Children, brothers, sisters are the ones you know will not sit and chat with you for more than an hour. You seem either too interesting or too boring for them. On top of this, you exercise the choice of your relationships; you almost shed superficial relationship and concentrate on meaningful ones. Laura Carstensen, a Stanford University psychologist, calls this as “socio-emotional selectivity”. This increases the risk of self inflicted isolation and major depression. The only cure to this is a partner in talk, a friend indeed and a great ear to listen to you. All these are possible and it is more than medicine, it is sheer necessity.

Papaya Care initiatives have made comfort with this hard realities of the Old age and Illness. Or families of old and aged, we have company at the care house where we keep inconstant touch with the inmates and in-house care patients. We have here a place of warmth, care and healing for you.

We believe Memories need to be shared, and we give space to miss someone, miss your own young self. We believe when you have the same other person going through it, the pain is shared and you fell less lonely, listened to and at ease. We created that space, to help them have that time and relationship for one more time.

Call up: Papaya Care Assisted Living for more info.

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